This is Westcoast Cloud’s Marketing Development Fund, available to partners for their Microsoft-focused marketing activities that will increase their Microsoft business. If we like the project pitch, we will match the funding investment, bringing your big ideas to life.

Submit your application through the form below. Please ensure you understand the Terms & Conditions before applying.

Your Details

Application Details

Funding Allocation

Campaign Details

Are there any other things we need to be aware of?


  • Activities must be completed within the respective earning period of January-June or July-December, depending on the half year (H1, H2) that the application has been agreed and the PO issued.
  • Applications will be reviewed at the start of each half year for campaign/activity execution in the same half year.
  • Proof of Execution (POE) and activity metrics must be submitted by May 31st (if January -June activity) or November 30th (if July-December activity). Failure to do so will result in refusal of payment. For a complete list of POE required for each campaign type, please refer to the Microsoft Co-op Guidebook or reach out to your account manager.
  • The agreed funding amount will be paid upon receipt of 100% POE for the respective earning period (H1, H2). Payment will only be made following the review of full execution and delivery of outcomes through acceptable POE as per the policy. No upfront payments will be made.
  • Partners are required to submit their sales revenue and opportunity impact post completion of the campaign.
  • Partners are required to match the amount of funding applied for (i.e. 50/50 investment).

If you are unsuccessful in your application, please remember to take advantage of alternative Marketing Support available to Westcoast Cloud partners.